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Username: TheRpgmakerAddict

Registered since: 2020-11-28 20:09:38

Userlevel: beobyxter

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TheRpgmakerAddict - postet at 2025-03-24 22:30:38
Game: Metamorphosis Rate Up

A short complete adventure of mystery and horror. Simple but very well done.

TheRpgmakerAddict - postet at 2025-03-24 22:07:13
Game: aunt EMILY Rate Up

If you playes other games by richterw, you will find a similar mystery adventure even if this time it includes farming and working to earn money, unlock options and progress the investigation.

TheRpgmakerAddict - postet at 2025-03-23 15:57:14
Game: Kukenstra: The Megalomanical Monasteries Rate Up

An interesting adventure game (with very little combat) about a young monk involved in a war about two rival monasteries. The game is a complete story that ends with a hint to a sequel with further adventures that never came out.

TheRpgmakerAddict - postet at 2025-03-23 15:42:13
Game: Fatal Runtime Rate Up

A short futuristic survival horror adventure with nice custom graphics and great atmosphere. No combat, just run from the enemies.

TheRpgmakerAddict - postet at 2025-03-23 15:23:25
Game: Slay the Lizard of Lunenberg Rate Up

A parody of a fantasy adventure: no combat, only tasks and some puzzles, quests and subquests