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Alter A.I.L.A. takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, on a remote plateau: one of the last remaining land masses above sea level. You play the role of a young prisoner, who among others, have had their memories erased, and must now fight for their lives everyday for the entertainment of others. From here, the story can go in 3 separate directions, depending on your choice during the prologue.
The 3 Sides:
Rebel: On this route, you'll join up with a rebel faction created to stop the dictatorship of Kugar, the overlord. Your motives are ultimately summed up in overthrowing Kugar and establishing peace and human rights for all.
Imperial: On this route, you'll support Kugar's regime, and work towards crushing the rebellion. All resistance must be terminated.
Independent: On this route, you won't join up with either side. Whoever rules does not matter to you. Your one goal is to be free.
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Alter A.I.L.A. was the "prototype" for Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis, that is a more refined and better looking game, even if it has only a single path, instead of four (this game has the 3 Rebel/Imperial/Independent and the Innovator "golden/true" path). Still this was a pretty good and complete game!
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