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One town, one dungeon, and a whole lot of things with pointy ears.

Weelon DeSora (better known as Wooter the Looter) is a Swampelf mercenary and former caravan scout in the service of Prince Mylon of Elvenburg and he has just made a disturbing discovery. There is a mysterious cave just outside the city that is not on any of the carefully made maps. After his attempts to bring the possibly dangerous cave to the attention of the proper authorities are laughed off, Wooter storms off in a fit. Angry and bitter Wooter decides to explore the cave himself, partially because he's the best man for the job... but mostly because he wants first dibs on any treasure that might be down there. In the process he just happens to stumble across a vast incoherent conspiracy aimed at smashing the entire Elven Confederacy.

EQ:GtS ‘Features’:

-Five kinds of elves! (and counting) -Pointlessly detailed world. (Especially pointless since you never go very far from the city you start the game in.) -Epic amounts of unimportant dialogue. -Fantasy racism at its lamest and cheesiest. -Some truly disturbing religious zealots. -Horribly mismatched graphics. -Blatantly stolen music. -Lame jokes recycled from even worse games. -A huge variety of badly designed enemies for you to spam ENTER against. -Possibly the worst mapping on RMN. -No Pokemon or Dragonball Z references whatsoever. -A tedious focus on Item and MP management. -NOT A JOKE GAME (which only makes it funnier.)

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TheRpgmakerAddict - postet at 2025-03-14 14:50:35 Rate Up

A classic dungeon delving adventure with both random encounters and avoidable battles. It is a lighthearted humorous tame that includes few puzzles and 3 levels of a dungeon are explorable, including battles and boss fights.

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