logo 'RMGlow' by ryg :: rmarchiv.de is brought to you with love.
So here it is, Sub Ubi, the spiffy game of my school. If you are a terrorist and wish to storm the school, please contact me for more information on the location of the cameras and motion detectors. For others enjoy.
In this game you are a 12 or so year old, prematurely gray-haired brand spankin' new grade seven and you have to save the hapless history/latin teacher, Mr. McGeer.(The only guy teacher in the entire school comfortable enough with his guy-hood to agree to be rescued by a 12 year old girl. Or of course he could just have some problems we don't want to know about.) You have to wander around and talk to the entire student body. See, the point of going to a preppy school is to "network" and make "connections" so again this is replicated in our game. Most of the people talk and a lot of them babble but there's some good information hanging around there somewhere.
The game is structured around you trying to find Mr. McGeer, but in order to do that you must complete about 5 or 6 mini-missions(fetch-quests) in sequential order. Only after you have completed all of them, will you be able to find Mr. McGeer and save the day yadda yadda yadda.
This game is not 100% anything, including but not limited to, perfect, playable, enjoyable, diversionary, useful, problem free etc. So it's not really done. It can crash because well, it uses the RPG-Maker95 engine which was originally writen in japenese and well yes. Problems.
And please, please read the help file entitled SubUbi.doc
"Sub Ubi is a single player RPG (role playing game) designed to orient new students (particularly in grade 7) with our school. The game includes all four floors of the school. The user will control her (or his) character from bird’s eye view. The game is designed so that the user can direct her game self around the school using the arrow keys. She will encounter members of the staff and students that will introduce her to the formalities and peculiarities of SCS. The point of the game is to find Mr. McGeer, the Latin teacher and complete the mini quests along the way."
"Mr. McGeer has been kidnapped by the Ancient Civilizations class to prevent him from giving a test on the first day of school. You, as a new student, are responsible to find him. Various students and staff in the school will help you to complete your mission. You will have to interact with all those in the school to find them. You may have to do a few favors (mini-missions) in return for information. For some reason, the stress of school has already gotten to you and turned your hair gray."
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