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Username: anyon175

Registered since: 2019-01-27 15:46:14

Userlevel: beobyxter

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anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-22 02:25:52

You could translate that game using specialized software for machine translation or translation assisted by software, softwares like OmegaT, AGTH, ATLAS, etc.. You could also buy a dictionary. That would take some time though.

anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-14 23:46:41

Oh and yea, I sure wanted to understand all that japanese kanji, there a lot of cool japanese games out there :)

anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-14 23:44:53

Yea... I saw that, thanks Ghabry.

anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-07 03:14:30

I see. Well, truth be told I only 'With-Walker' because 'Romancing Walker' is basically the 'english translation' (although with a lot less RTP and some bonus content) of 'With-Walker'. But don't worry, that's the only japanese game I got (for the moment) :)

anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-06 10:52:55

Yeah, I added the Japanese game, it's too soon for that? Should I remove it?

The last board posts
anyon175 - postet at 2019-04-10 00:23:20
Community-Forum -> Musik Verlinken
anyon175 - postet at 2019-04-07 20:41:47
Community-Forum -> Musik Verlinken
anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-07 03:23:56
Community-Forum -> Greetings
anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-05 23:35:25
Community-Forum -> Greetings
anyon175 - postet at 2019-01-29 00:31:07
Community-Forum -> Greetings
Last comments
anyon175 - postet at 2019-03-23 13:54:48
Game: Helen's Mysterious Castle Rate Up
