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Carpe Diem: The Living Flame -Episode 1-
Story-Part 1: In the Beginning
In the year 2715, there was a prosperous world that flourished in it's technology and advances in science and research. This world relied on its natural resources to fuel its machines and ran on a global economic system that benefited everyone who lived on it. This world had only one continent on it named Kelevor. Everyone accepted everyone on this singular continent and the people lived in peace. However, there were a few people who were different from the rest. Those who were bored of the way of life, tired of the day to day rituals that plagued their existence, were ready to shake things up. For these few people, they saw the prosperous times as a perfect time to change the world and make a difference so that things wouldn't be so monotonous anymore. So they formed a pact known as the Arakian Seven. They rose up to the top of the worlds economy and soon gained enough political power to have an influence on the world itself. As their power increased, they needed to appoint a leader, a representative in the main branch of Kelevors government. So a man named Kedrak broke away from the Arakian Seven and became their formal leader, leaving the ranks of the Arakian Seven and changing them to the Arakian Six.
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