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Ein sehr früher in Vergessenheit geratener Hit der englischsprachigen Maker-Szene, der beim Falcate RPG Contest 2000 den 5. Platz belegte und bei dessen Ressourcen sich Marlex für sein Kult-Spiel Vampires Dawn bediente.
"A conspiricy is forming in the Highlands, which could create a war between 3 world powers. If something is not done, the world could be wracked with the pain and suffering of war, world-wide. The 3-way story is unraveled and 3 complete strangers will be brought together by fate to stop the corrupt dictators from destroying the beloved Tysgevia."
"Delusive choices is a game most like no other. It has taken small aspects from many animes and games and mixed them together into one masterpiece. Before you play the game, know i give most of the credit of my game, to Qheretic and Exile. Because of Exile, it has taught me how to make an FF3-like game without needing to bug any people on "how to do ____" because, I was determined, and practiced every day (persistant, ne?). What i'm trying to get to, is that in the VERY BEGINNING (like 1st minute or so) the game REALLY resembles Exile, and It was completly accidental, and I didn't even notice I was doing it, until it was done and my game was almost completed. Just please ignore that fact, and go on playing the game happily anyway. I will for sure change it in the next version, if i get enough good replys on my game.
Because of Dreamscape, work on DC has been slow. The fact that I might stop all together is really no cause for concern. Dreamscape will more then make up for it. But the current demo is long enough to be a full game, and challenging as well. Using as much original stuff as possible, I tried to create a game that is like no other, and being proffesional at the same time.
In Tysgevia, A world of modern technology and medeival wonders. A conspiricy is forming in the Highlands, which could create a war between 3 world powers. If something is not done, the world could be wracked with the pain and suffering of war, world-wide. The 3-way story is unraveled and 3 complete strangers will be brought together by fate to stop the corrupt dictators from destroying the beloved Tysgevia."
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Wurde entweder gekonnt ignoriert oder das Spiel wurde vor dem Upload nicht mal angetestet. Habs mir kurz mal angesehen und gleich wieder entsorgt. Ich hasse Makerspiele, die meine Zeit nicht respektieren.
Fakt is aber, dass Marlex den Valnar mit dem grünen Haar nicht selber gemakert hat. Denn dieses Spiel kam vor dem Release von Vampires Dawn. Immerhin hat Marlex dieses Spiel hier in den Credits von VD erwähnt.
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