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This is the story of Bob, a young adult that lives with his Mom in the small town known as Similar Mountains. It all starts with the disappearance of his girlfriend, Nancy, on the day of her birthday. There1s some people in town that seems to be worried, and some just don't care. As the good and loving boyfriend that he is, Bob sets out on a journey around town to try and find what has happened to his girlfriend. But he's not alone in this journey, as he has some good friends with him:
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Similar Mountains is a single adventure that has some links with the previous game, Mystery Falls (so it is suggested to play this after the other). Besides the usual references to X-Files and Twin Peaks, here there are also some other cameos and easter eggs, from Jojo to Castlevania, not to mention the graphics that homage Maniac Mansion and Lesuire Suit Larry. It has more humorous and funny scenes but also some mature content and sex.
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