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Cybor Ninja2:Return to Keridia

As the title suggests this sequel to Cybor Ninja:First Blood is about going back home to your planet Kerridia. You return home to your planet, and your continent of Korsse(also your fathers name)You discover horrors unimaginable the peaceful continent you left is no longer standing.Instead you find a palace in ruins a few survivors and a huge cemetary.As it turns out when you transferred the golden diskette ,Terrabe found something unimaginable ,a hidden power allowing him to stay in shadow transformation forever without having to regerate.This caused him to break his treaty and kill your father knowing he would not settle for his new peace terms.Terrabe declared himself Emperor and allowed the other warlords to rule the continents as Lords of Pronvinces giving him complete power. He now has completed an empire where nothing is their to stop him

But there's one thing he didn't think to watch for a Cybor Ninja of Royal Korssian blood.

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