logo 'GreenNeonArchiv' by Peperoni :: rmarchiv.de is brought to you with love.
Mindestens eine Datei in diesem Spiel wurde gemeldet und ensprechend entfernt.
"READ, JERK!.txt":
"No, there hasn't been a mistake. What you've downloaded is, in fact, the actual complete version of Demented Pineapple 2000: Chapter 2 - Eat Shit & Die! I'm sorry to report that there is no game called A Crazy Guy Pooped In Your Car, but I'm sure you'll like this a whole lot more. So, what are you waiting for, you saucy lad, you? You know how to start the game! So, play it already!"
Hinweis: Nachdem die Fake Credits durchgelaufen sind, vergeht noch einmal eine geschlagene Minute, bevor das Spiel beginnt.
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