logo 'RMCraft' by ryg :: rmarchiv.de is brought to you with love.
Dieses RM95-Spiel von BigJesus, veröffentlicht im November 1998, ist eines der ältesten englischsprachigen Maker-Spiele überhaupt. Zu diesem Datum hatte Don Miguel seine RM95-Übersetzung noch nicht veröffentlicht. Der Entwickler hatte damals also entweder Zugriff auf die unfertige Übersetzung von KanjiHack oder sogar das japanische Original.
A young man named Flynn mysteriously washes up onto the shore and is rescued by a kind old man named Golfin. It is discovered that Flynn has Amnesia and he must try to piece together his past by travelling around the world. In his adventures Flynn will learn of an evil plot orchestrated by a group known only as 'The Reich' who are searching for an ancient artifact known as 'The Hand of Gon'. This artifact, which no one alive has ever actually seen has the power to become the ultimate weapon: 'The Fist of Anihilation'. Flynn will learn that he is somehow an intrical part in this story and must find a way to stop 'The Reich' from finding and using 'The Hand of Gon'.
There has to be a way to stop it.....right?
You control Flynn in this adventure, along the way you will meet friends who will accompany you in your journey.
Remember this Adventurer...
I've been working on this game for 4 days as of now.
It is my first RPG95 game (or RPG period).
I created a game back in 95-96 called 'Big Ted's Monster Bash Exxtravaganza' which was published in a japanese magazine on a 'Best of American Shareware' issue. It's kind of embarrassing to look back on it now, it was my first and only complete Klik n' Play game, and it has so many things I'd like to fix that I'd never get around to it. But still, I got emails everyday begging for a sequel which I started two levels of but never really saw the light of day. It may still be downloadable in the AOL shiver file thingy, unless they cleaned it out. Last I checked it had recieved so many downloads that the counter had to be reset, I was flabberghasted.
The Hand of Gon is nigh.
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