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It's the year 632 of the Alphian calendar. For the last 46 years the continent Adria has experienced the longest time of peace in 400 years. Over the last four centuries many countries were born and many other have fallen and disappeared. In the current year, only five countries remain.

  • In the east, the still young kingdom of Baldar was formed after the last war, 46 years ago. To this day it is still ruled by its aging founder, King Baldar. However, the king's sons are squarreling over who should rule the kingdom after their fathers death.
  • To the south lies a small island nation which goes by the name of Sidahr. It was formed by travelling seafarers and merchants sometime during the War of Pestilence, nearly 200 years ago. For a time it was the last bastion of humanity against the dark hordes. Nowadays, it's a neutral state ruled by various powerful merchants.
  • To the northwest, covering the central landmass the continent lies the Karavian Empire, the oldest nation dating back more than 300 years. While it was destroyed for the most part during the War of Pestilence, it was completely rebuild in the following years. After the War of Pestilence many returning nobles created their own small nations in order to be free from the empire's grasp. However, all of them were either conquered or completely destroyed by the Karavian Emperors over a course of 100 years. This bloody internal conflict only ended once the empire returned to its former glory in the year 511.
  • To the north lies the kingdom of Fahl. Far and wide known for its powerful priests and mages it is also known as the "Kingdom of Magic". Nowadays it's a relatively peaceful kingdom which strifes to uncover the arcane secrets.
  • Lastly, in the western part of the continent lies the kingdom of Trutz. It was the last bastion of the dark hordes during the War of Pestilence. Through even today rumors still tell tales of practitioners of the dark arts who lurk about in the corners of the kingdom.

It's the year 632 of the Alphian calendar and after 46 years of peace the first embers are slowly starting to ignote the fires of war. However a young boy named Alias lives in a small village on the southern tip of the kingdom of Baldar. He dousn't yet know that he will play a central part in thge upcoming conflict that will engulf the whole continent of Adria. And so the chronicles of Adria finnaly start to tell their tale.


  • Pfeiltasten: Bewegung des Cursors, Bewegung durch Menüs
  • X: Abbrechen, Fenster schließen, Schnelldurchlauf durch Gespräche/Animationen, Reichweite aller Gegner (auf einem leeren Feld), Statusscreen einer Einheit (auf eben jener Einheit)
  • Y/Enter: Bestätigen, Auswahl einer Einheit (auf einer Einheit), Öffnen des Map Menüs (auf einem leeren Feld)
  • Leertaste: Überspringt komplette Szenen/Kämpfe/Gegnerphasen
  • F4: Wechsel zwischen Fenstermodus und Fullscreen (Buggy - kA ob ich das ändern kann, schneidet eventuell etwas von Hintergrundbildern wie der Weltkarte ab)
  • F11: Zurück zum Titelbildschirm
  • ESC: Spiel sofort beenden

Engine: SRPG Studio

Spielzeit: 1-2 Stunden

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